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What is Gods will for His children? It is to have abundance and prosperity in every aspect of their lives. How can we be sure about this? First of all it is Gods nature to be good. Moreover, His will and promises are written clearly in the Scriptures--words that have seen centuries of lives transformed through knowing His purposes and desires. So how can I get to the wealth that is reserved for me? Is there a prosperity prayer out there that God will hear and answer?
Wait, before you start reciting every prayer you have ever heard,you need to know that its not so much what you say but why and how you say it. God is not after your words or any offering you might give--He wants your heart. He is eager to see you blessed so there is no need to beg for meager resources to get you by. See the whole world as this overflowing abundance of gifts designed with you in mind. Knowing God's goodness will allow you to trust in His providence for your life.
Now you have abundance and prosperity deposited in your account; how can you withdraw from it? By praying according to His promises as stated in the Bible. Agree with His Word and speak prosperity over your life. There is nothing more effective in bringing about change than divine creative word given full reign in somebody's life. Acknowledge your position as a rightful heir to these promises and watch the power of your prosperity prayer begin to manifest. You can use this prayer as a guide:
Father God, I honor You for who You are to me. You are a holy and mighty God, (Luke 1:49) Nothing is impossible for you. (Jeremiah 32:27) All things on earth you have given for man to enjoy, (Psalm 115:16; Jeremiah 27:5) You want only the best for me. (Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13) It is Your desire to prosper me (Proverbs 28:35) All because You love me. (Jeremiah 31:3; John 1:17; Romans 8:31)
I enter into Your presence bringing with me your promises. You are God and there is no deceit or failure in what You have uttered. (Titus 1:2) When there is no way, I trust You will make one for me. (Joshua 2:10). You give me the wisdom and strength to create wealth, (Deuteronomy 8:18) And You will exceed every goal I set for myself. (Ephesians 3:20)
There is power in Your Word (Hebrews 1:3) It frames the whole world as we know it. (Hebrews 11:3) I agree and speak out Your Word, I trust that it will be as You said. Thank You Father, Your goodness and love surrounds me. I bless Your Name, Amen.
It is vital that you do not entertain negative energy that is bound to come against you one way or another. Combat this by thinking of all the things that are good in your life and start giving thanks for them"no matter how insignificant they may seem at first. There is a peace that will settle in your heart as you do so.
Pray this prosperity prayer whenever you can. It is not a formula or a magic charm to get your prosperity. This prayer serves to remind you of the abundant blessings coming your way, thus strengthening your faith. Use other scriptural verses that you feel a connection to you to. What is important is that you understand that you and your household are title holders to the divine prosperity" and its time to claim it today.
About the Author
Zoe Smith recognizes abundance and prosperity in her life. Learn ways to develop your Prosperity Prayer today.
Article Source:
Todays Writing
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Source: http://www.todayswriting.com/19859/Prosperity-Prayer-Any-Man-Woman-And-Child-Can-Use/
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